truck - ac condensers - ford

26.00" x 19.00" x 0.75"
2001-2005 Sterling Acterra Q Model

28.25" x 23.00" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
2000 - 2004 F650/F750 Models

19.75" x 17.50" x 0.75"
Ford AC Condenser
2006 - 2007 Ford LCF Series L45/55
2006 - 2007 International CF Series CF500/CF600

29.43" X 20.25" x 0.62"
Ford AC Condenser
2008 F Series F350 Model(Gas Engines)

35.00" x 16.25" x 0.62"
Ford AC Condenser
2008 - 2010 F Series 350/550 Model - Diesel Engine

21.75" x 18.00" x 1.37"
Ford AC Condenser
1995 - 1998 CF700/800

26.00" x 19.00" x 0.75"
2005-2007 Sterling Acterra Q Model

24.50" x 26.00" x 0.75"
2002-2008 American LaFrance Condor LC Model

32.00" x 22.00" x 0.75"
Ford AC Condenser
1981 - 1987 LTL 9000 Model
1981 - 1987 LTS 9000 Model

32.00" x 22.00" x 0.75"
Ford AC Condenser
1981 - 1987 LT Series 9000 Model with Diesel Engines
1981 - 1987 LTL 9000 Model with Diesel Engines
1981 - 1987 LTS 9000 Model with Diesel Engines

24.75" x 32.00" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1982 - 1986 CL/CLT 9000 Models

19.75" x 29.00" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1987 - 1990 LN 9000, LNT 9000, LT 9000, and LTS 9000 with Cummins & Ford New Holland Engines

21.75" x 18.50" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1986 - 1988 600/800 CF Series

20.00" x 29.00" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1988 - 1991 L 8000, LA 8000, LNT, LT, LTL, LTS
1984 - 1991 LN Series

29.00" x 19.50" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1990 LN 9000, LNT 9000, LT 9000, LTL 9000, LTS 9000
32.25" x 24.75" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1988 - 1990 CL/CLT 9000 with Cummins & CAT Engines
23.00" x 17.00" x 1.37"
Ford AC Condenser
1990 - 1993 Ford F600/F700

19.50" x 29.00" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1991 - 1993 L, LN Series
1992 LL, LLS, LT, LTL, LTS Series

27.00" x 20.75" x 1.25"
1994-1996 Ford AeroMax - Louisville 9000 Series
1995-1996 Ford Louisville 7000 - 8500
1996-1997 Isuzu N Series Gas Engine
1996-1997 Chevrolet - GMC W-Series Gas Engine
2011-2013 International WorkStar 7000 Series

35.50" x 18.00" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1994 - 1998 A Line, L Line, & Silver Star Sterlings

23.75" x 19.37" x 1.00"
Ford AC Condenser
1995 - 1999 F Series F700/F800 Models
1995 - 1999 FT Series 900 Model

26.00" x 19.00" x 0.75"
1995-1999 Ford F600 - F700 - F800
1996-1997 Isuzu N Series Gas Engine
1996-1997 Chevrolet - GMC W-Series Gas Engine
2011-2013 International WorkStar 7000 Series

35.50" x 19.75" x 0.75"
1999-2004 Sterling A-L Line 7000, 8500, 9000 Series Y Model
1997-1998 Ford AeroMax-Louisville 9000 Series
1998 Ford Louisville 7000-8500 Series

27.50" x 23.37" x 1.00"
Block Fittings
Ford AC Condenser
2004 - 2005 E Series Van with a 6.0L Engine